Accurate AF Tarot Reading & Ultimate Reiki Healing
Accurate AF Tarot Reading & Ultimate Reiki Healing
Accurate AF Tarot Reading
- Tarot Reading
- Oracle Reading
- Crystal to Use
- Affirmation
- Ancestor Message
- Psychic insight
Ultimate Reiki Healing
- Reiki Meditation
- Chakra Balancing
- Kundalini Reiki
- Angel Reiki
- Karuna Ki Reiki
- Gold Reiki
- Ethereal Crystals
Accurate AF Tarot Reading
Find out exactly what you need to know and whatever else may be worrying you at this time.
In depth tarot, oracle and psychic reading along with your questions and concerns answered.
Find out which crystals to use for your highest well being and which is the best affirmation for you at this time!
Contacting your sovereign ancestors to help you move on the best path for your highest good!
- Tarot Reading
- Oracle Reading
- Crystal to Use
- Affirmation
- Ancestor Message
- Psychic insight
Ultimate Reiki Healing
A full reiki experience! I go through all the Kundalini Reikis to start, Diamond Reiki & Golden Reiki. I will also heal you with Karuna Ki as well as Angel Reiki.
I ask for the Divine Mother to be present for each healing and to also help in the aid of whatever you are in need of healing at this time. I also ask for Archangel Michael to protect every healing session.
Complete chakra balancing and grounding you the Earth Star Chakra. This will help you feel more centered and clear on your life path.
I add ethereal crystals to your chakras to help keep you in your alignment.
- Reiki Meditation
- Chakra Balancing
- Kundalini Reiki
- Angel Reiki
- Karuna Ki Reiki
- Gold Reiki
- Ethereal Crystals
All readings will be delivered via email provided. There is a 24-72 hour turnaround time.
This will be a prerecorded video that you can save and reference at any time.
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